
An Augmented Reality Application for Understanding 3D Geometry

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Welcome to MoleculAR, an augmented reality application that helps students understand 3D geometry in chemistry! Using QR codes, you can access 3D models of molecules, geometries, and orbitals, making it easy and fun to explore and learn. All the QR codes for the structures available in the app are free to download. You can use these QR codes in any learning capacity, whether you're a curious user looking to explore molecular geometry or an educator wishing to incorporate MoleculAR into your course syllabus. Here's a quick guide on how to download and use the app:

  • Step 1: Download the MoleculAR app from the App Store or Google Play Store on your smartphone or tablet device.*
  • Step 2: Open the app and select "START" to begin scanning the QR codes.
  • Step 3: Scan the QR code for the molecule or orbital you want to view.
  • Step 4: Explore the 3D model that hovers over the QR Code. Rotate, zoom, and explore the structure from different angles.

MoleculAR User Interface

To try the app, scan the QRCodes below!

Sample QRCodes

Download the QRCodes library HERE.
A reference for all available structure can be found HERE.
The Privacy Policy for MoleculAR can be found HERE.

Thank you for choosing MoleculAR! We welcome any feedback you may have on the app and its use in chemistry education. We hope that MoleculAR will be a valuable tool for educators and students alike.

For any requests and suggestion for new molecules and structures to add to MoleculAR, please contact us at ChemAR.

*NOTE: The Android version of MoleculAR is available for download, but classified as "currently under redevelopment and testing" as we await full approval and release in the Google Play Store. The Apple iOS version is fully released and available for downlooad. [MAY 09 2024]